Micro services

Microservice architecture or simply microservices, is a distinctive method of developing software systems that tries to focus on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. The trend has grown popular in recent years as Enterprises look to become more Agile and move towards a DevOps and continuous testing. Microservices also known as the microservice architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are Highly maintainable and testable,Loosely coupled,Independently deployable,Organized around business capabilities. It is enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.

Microservices have many benefits for Agile and DevOps teams - as Martin Fowler points out, Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, PayPal, and other tech stars have all evolved from monolithic to microservices architecture. Unlike microservices, a monolith application is built as a single, autonomous unit. This make changes to the application slow as it affects the entire system. A modification made to a small section of code might require building and deploying an entirely new version of software. Scaling specific functions of an application, also means you have to scale the entire application.

Future of Microservice:

microservice becomes the preferred style of developers in future, it’s clearly a potent idea that offers serious benefits for designing and implementing enterprise applications. Many developers and organizations, without ever using the name or even labeling their practice as SOA, have been using an approach toward leveraging APIs that could be classified as microservices. We’ve seen a number of existing technologies try to address parts of the segmentation and communication problems that microservices aim to resolve. SOAP does well at describing the operations available on a given endpoint and where to discover it via WSDLs. UDDI is theoretically a good step toward advertising what a service can do and where it can be found. But these technologies have been compromised by a relatively complex implementation, and tend not to be adopted in newer PROJECTS.

How Microservices Works?
  • Microservice architecture has now found its way into large company systems. The companies have subsequently been able to fix certain problems or optimize their processes. Examples like Netflix, Spotify, and eBay show large companies with established monolithic systems changing to a microservice model. Other major IT companies like Google and Amazon also work like this. Some of them were already using modular systems when there was no term for them.
  • Netflix used to be based on a monolithic system (back when Netflix was not an online streaming service, but only sent DVDs through the mail). In 2008, there was an error in a database that caused the entire service to fail for four days. The decision was then taken to break up the old system and split them into microservices. The result was that the company was able to make live changes much faster, and repairs were carried out much more quickly. Since the Netflix system is enormously extensive, a separate program was developed to organize the individual microservices among themselves.
  • The streaming service Spotify also relies on microservices. Spotify’s main daily development challenge is keeping ahead of the strong competition.The audio streaming services market has some of the largest IT companies in the world as its main players such as Amazon, Apple, and Google. Due to the increasing number of users,Spotify developers are constantly having to meet higher demands and comply with certain business rules. Microservices are a good solution for Spotify, allowing them to react quickly to new developments their competitors might make, and publish their own developments faster forcing the competitors to react in turn.
  • The fact that eBay and other companies have successfully gone from a monolithic to microservice architecture is a clear sign of the benefits of a more modern approach. While the monolith structure is perfectly sufficient in the early days of a website, with a small number of active users and a manageable range of products, it can become growth-inhibiting when demands start to increase.

  • SOA vs Microservices

    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) sprung up during the first few years of this century, and microservice architecture (abbreviated by some as MSA) bears a number of similarities. Traditional SOA, however, is a broader framework and can mean a wide variety of things. Some microservices advocates reject the SOA tag altogether, while others consider microservices to be simply an ideal, refined form of SOA. In any event, we think there are clear enough differences to justify a distinct microservice concept. SOA model, for example, usually has more dependent ESBs, with microservices using faster messaging mechanisms. SOA also focuses on imperative programming, whereas microservices architecture focuses on a responsive-actor programming style. Moreover, SOA models tend to have an outsized relational database, while microservices frequently use NoSQL or micro-SQL databases (which can be connected to conventional databases). But the real difference has to do with the architecture methods used to arrive at an integrated set of services in the first place.